Design First specializes in customizing clients’ needs with solid design principles specific to the kitchen and bath. 


Well-educated and well-versed in the full spectrum of architectural styles and materials, our staff stands by the workmanship and product specifications of our projects and guarantee all of our products and services.


Julia Wood


Julia Wood, whose published projects include a grand prize winning kitchen, is the owner and founder of Design First. A Renaissance woman in her own right, Wood was raised with a keen appreciation for quality workmanship and excellent service. “My father was a well-known, ‘old school,’ area surgeon and taught me the value of hard work and education,” says Wood, “quality was key in his mind when it came to medicine, craftsmanship or gourmet cooking and I’ve applied those values to this company.”

Wood was trained in design at Salem College and in the field with skilled tradesmen and area showrooms. Her professional interest in following design trends in the ever-evolving worlds of kitchen and bath construction bring her to trade shows and certification seminars all over the world. Wood is Design First’s principle buyer and is a connoisseur of quality materials.